Agricola 2000 offers its technical expertise to manage agronomic trials comparing varieties thanks to its widespread experimental coverage and increasing the value of the potential yield of genetic materials.
The location where the trial is conducted, the climate and weather conditions, the different farming techniques and the tools used for the evaluation are factors that are always diligently studied and custom-made to guarantee that the objectives set are achieved. Agricola 2000 offers its support even in the strategic phase of the sale through specially made showcase fields. The purpose of this service is to promote the quality and environmental adaptability of the product and the company’s business visibility to potential buyers.
Tests that allow one or more genetic materials to be compared at the variation of agronomic factors such as irrigation, nutrition, and agronomic practices in order to highlight the adaptability and potential yield of the different varieties.
At the basis of the market positioning of genetic materials there is the need to test their environmental adaptability and their potential yield through variety trials. Thanks to the widespread network of experimental locations it is possible to organize tests in different soil and climate conditions comparing the phenotypical and productive responses of the tested materials with well-known varieties/hybrid testers in the market.
The Seed department is able to manage breeding programmes on behalf of seed companies in full autonomy. The entire production process is followed by highly specialized personnel according to a programme that is designed beforehand with the customer. Each phase is arranged and planned starting from sowing, pollinating, harvesting, desiccating, cleaning, and shelling, up to packaging and storing the obtained material in a temperature-controlled environment.
Seed production and reproduction service is conducted according to a strict manufacturing protocol following the guidelines issued by ENSE (National Institution for Elected Seeding). The elimination of undesired materials, the mechanical operations for selecting the materials obtained during the harvest, the desiccation, the staining and the packaging are all included. To this day, Agricola 2000 is accredited by the Lombardy Region to certify the production of seeds for soybean and maize crops.
As a direct intermediary between global seed companies and the Italian Ministry of Agriculture, Agricola 2000 follows the entire authorization process that is required by the legislation in effect for the registration of new varieties in the National Variety Registry. Indeed, as Agricola 2000 is accredited by Masaf as an operating company in the industry (RUOP – Official Registry of Professional Operators), all the necessary phases for the registration of new varieties in the national registry are followed: presentation of the application, receipt and customs clearance of the necessary seed samples for executing the official DUS trials, through a direct connection with the public officials for an optimal management of the full authorization process.
The presence of phytophages such as Ostrinia nubilialis, Diabrotica virgifera virgifera etc. is treated, through the use of specific traps with regards to the target. Monitoring also allows for the evaluation of water availability in the soil through the use of volumetric or tensiometric sensors and the screening of climate and weather conditions thanks to dedicated sensors.
- Biometric evaluations are electronically gathered and noted during every crop development phase and implemented according to the needs of the customer.
- Parcel plot trials are gathered using dedicated tools depending on the crop and on the final product.
- The tests are conducted in the most suitable environment in every geographical region of Italy, with the aim of gathering useful and comparable biometric data to evaluate the materials.
- The experimental design of the trials is arranged with the customer according to specific needs.
- Evaluations and collections are conducted on the central part of each parcel plot in order to gather statistically significant data. The materials obtained through sampling are preserved and available for potential laboratory analyses.
- The final feedback of the trials for the customer is a complete field report that contains all the data gathered during every phenological phase of crop growth. The customers’ evaluation based on the field report will allow them to take decisions regarding the market positioning of their products.
- For each crop subject to analysis, the most suitable technicians are assigned to the task based on their experience in the field.
- In the assistance on genetic improvement, the dedicated experts autonomously manage the entire production process according to the programme designed by the customer and following each production phase in person: from sowing, pollinating, harvesting, desiccating, cleaning, and shelling to packaging and storing the obtained material.
- Interaction as the partner of public and private entities such as CREA and Universities.
Campo Demo
Specially organized showcase fields to concretely and directiy show the yield and the environmental adaptability of the product to potential buyers. The choices and the way the fields will be organized discussed with the customer to meet each specific need. The objective is to create a real and tangible product catalogue, to allow suppliers and final customers to see the quality of the products with their own eyes.